Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jacqueline Carey contest winner!

I am pleased to announce that Jessica W. of Virginia was the winner of the Jacueline Carey contest!  Her copy should go out in tomorrow's mail, and she should be getting it soon.
I was really engaged by some of the reader responses to how they discovered Jacqueline's books, and waned to share a few of them. I have corrected a few typo's but otherwise, they are how they submitted.

"I first came upon Kushiel's Dart in the fantasy section in the
   library around 2002. It was one of those few books I have read in
   life that I was deeply saddened for it to be over for I would never
   have that first read again. I was a Jacqueline Carey fan thereafter."

"Several years ago, when my friend was leaving for the military, he gave me a chance to go through his library before taking his things to Goodwill. The first three books were in it, and once I'd read them, I started looking for more of her work. Now I have the first seven books, Santa Olivia, and Banewreaker."

"Jacqueline Carey's books were first recommended to me by a guy I met online.  We had both enjoyed several other books and authors that we had talked about at length.  He insisted that I pick up this book about angel people, gods, and politics.  I was pretty wary at first, but since he seemed to have such excellent taste in other books I took him at his word and picked it up Kushiel's Dart.  I was so completely hooked I went and picked up Kushiel's Chosen, Kushiel's Avatar, and Kushiel's Scion all at once.  And then I became one of the many that anxiously awaited Kushiel's Justice and the rest.  A couple years later, I married that guy and we've been living the happily ever after life"

"I first encountered Jacqueline Carey's books while working for Borders. A coworker absolutely loved Kushiel's Dart and told me I had to read it. I was skeptical because, while I now know the book is amazing, the book description on the back does not do it justice. After a couple years (yes it took me that long) I ran out of books to read and finally decided to pick up Dart. I fell in love with the series. Since then, I have read everything by Carey that I could get my hands on. She is a phenomenal writer."

These were just some of the responses, there were many more.
 Personally, I first encountered her books after Dart had come out.  I kept seeing the cover, but while it caught my eye, the blurb didn't really make me think it was going to interest me.  Then, when that year's edition of 'The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror' by Terri Windling and Ellen Datlow came out, and Terri gave it a lovely write up, I decided to give it a try(Terri Windling has always had excellent taste in fantasy, I have rarely found myself in disagreement with her opinions).I loved the careful comingling of the familiar with the exotic, the fully realized characters, and the millieu they inhabit.  I thought it was brilliant, and have loved everything she has ever published(I am still saddened that 'Elegy for Darkness' was changed into 'The Sundering').

Thanks everyone for playing, and a special shout-out to my friend Cory who selected the winning entry number. Keep your eyes peeled here for the next giveaway coming very soon!

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